
Seeing the beauty and possibilities in all things!

Simple Joy

For so much of my life I lived searching for joy. I believed joy were those Big things. Owning a home. Having a fabulous career. Buying a designer watch. Finding that special someone. Sharing your life with your spouse. Don’t get me wrong I have achieved many of those things. Looking back those things did not bring me sustained joy.

What I am learning is that joy comes from the simple things. Thinking of the simple, places a smile on my face every time.

Joy for me is:
~~the fullness of my daughter’s laughter
~~the warmth in my mom’s voice
~~the promise in the artwork of my daughter’s classmates
~~the realness of a Ji.ll S.cott lyric
~~the calming of a warm bubble bath
~~the excitement of a dear friend’s promotion
~~the taste of warm bacon
~~the humor of a text message from my best friend

Simple but all so special!  The following lyrics sum it up:

 “Now that I am in this joy I can rest. Now my heart can hold the love He has given me” Joy by Rash.aan P.atterson

September 20, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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