
Seeing the beauty and possibilities in all things!

Curls & Cupcakes

I spent most of Saturday preparing for J’s first day of kindergarten.  The day started off with going to get her hair washed and curled.  During the summer, each time I washed her hair I promised her that I would let her wear her hair “out” on the first day of school.  So being a mom of my word, we were off and running.  After 2 hours we had curls!  *Fingers crossed*  I hope we still have curls on Monday morning.

Fast forward to the same evening.  I thought it would be fun for J and I to make cupcakes.  Just J and mommy time.  J had a ball!  She loved adding the water and cracking eggs to the dry mix.  She had a blast using the electric hand mixer to mix up the batter.  Together we prepared the cupcakes and sat-in anticipation of our yummy baked creations.  No tv, computer or phone interruptions just me enjoying quality time with my favorite girl.  After getting frosting all over our hands, we each had one cupcake and we then decided to whom and how we would distribute our cupcakes. 

While writing this post, I wonder if J enjoyed baking with me as much as enjoyed it with her?  Would this become a beginning of the school year tradition?

Whatever the case and however we decide to celebrate the first days of school.  I thoroughly enjoy evenings like this.  They are yummier and sweeter than any freshly baked cupcake.

September 13, 2010 Posted by | mini me | Leave a comment